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N 11/6-14.1-5451-ЕП від 20.06.2002
Начальникам регіональних
Начальникам митниць
Направляємо перелік сертифікатів про походження товарів форми EUR.1 (до листа Держмитслужби від 28.02.2000 N 21/3-638), які видавалися естонськими митними органами на рибопродукцію за період з 27 травня по 02 червня 2002 року.
AB 646645 28/05/2002 AS Lддtsa canned fish 66960
AB 646646 31/05/2002 AS Lддtsa canned fish 20220
AB 664415 27.05.02 AS DAGOTAR canned fish 55435
AB 622657 27.05.02 AS Kajax frozen Baltic herring 20800
AB 622654 27.05.02 AS Kajax frozen Baltic herring 20300
AB 622658 27.05.02 AS Kajax seasoned Baltic sprats 20800
AB 623134 27.05.02 AS Raitar Baltic sprats 18910
AB 665234 27.05.02 LTD Maseko Atlantic sardines in oil/slices/ 62132
AB 622811 29.05.02 LTD Maseko smoked sprats in oil 59214
AB 622818 30.05.02 LTD Maseko smoked sprats in oil, smoked 19970
sprats paste
AB 622816 31.05.02 LTD Maseko Atlantic sardines in 68000
oil/slices/, smoked sprats in
oil, sprats in tomato sauce,
smoked sprats paste, fishballs
in tomato sauce, fishchops in
tomato sauce
AB 622812 31.05.02 LTD Maseko herring in own juice with oil 43671
added, herring in oil blanced,
herring in tom. sauce with sour
cabbage, herring in tomato
sauce with onion, smoked herring
in oil, sardines in own juice
with oil added, Atlantic
sardines in oil /slices/,
sardines in oil blanched,
sardines in tomato sauce
blanched, mackerel in own juice
with oil added, mackerel in oil
blanched, mackerel in tomato
sauce blanched, fishchops in
tomato sauce, fishballs in
tomato sauce, smoked sprats

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