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14.03.2003 N 11/6-14-3790-ЕП
Начальникам регіональних
Начальникам митниць
( Лист втратив чинність на підставі Листа Державної митної служби N 11/3-14/8521-ЕП від 15.07.2005 )
Відповідно до листа Держмитслужби від 28.02.2000 N 21/3-638-ЕП направляємо перелік сертифікатів переміщення EUR.1, які видавалися естонськими митними органами на рибопродукцію за період з 17 по 23 лютого 2003 року.
AB713172 18.02.03 AS DAGOTAR frozen fish 60000
AB713174 18.02.03 AS DAGOTAR canned fish 30000
AB713175 19.02.03 AS DAGOTAR canned fish 67500
AB713178 20.02.03 AS DAGOTAR canned fish 19790
AB713176 20.02.03 AS DAGOTAR canned fish 60605
AB652600 21.02.03 OUSaareFishexport spice sprat 19800
AB652601 21.02.03 OU Saare Fishexport frozen sprat 19900
AB652598 21.02.03 OU Saare Fishexport spice sprat 19800
AB652597 21.02.03 OU Saare Fishexport spice sprat 19800
AB652602 21.02.03 OU Saare Fishexport frozen sprat 19900
AB652596 21.02.03 OU Saare Fishexport spice sprat 19800
AB652607 21.02.03 OU Saare Fishexport frozen sprat 19900
AB652606 21.02.03 OU Saare Fishexport spice sprat 19800
AB652550 21.02.03 OU VRHL salted baltic sprats 20600
AB652547 21.02.03 OU VRHL frozen baltic sprats 19950
AB652548 21.02.03 OU VRHL salted baltic sprats 20600
AB652549 21.02.03 OU VRHL salted baltic sprats 20600
AB722530 17.02.03 AS Kajax Fishexport frozen Baltic sprats 18870
AB722529 17.02.03 AS Kajax Fishexport frozen Baltic sprats 18870
AB722971 17.02.03 AS Raitar salted Baltic sprats 60000
AB722607 17.02.03 AS Kajax Fishexport seasoned Baltic sprats 60000
AB722606 17.02.03 AS Kajax Fishexport seasoned Baltic sprats 60000
AB722608 18.02.03 AS Kajax Fishexport seasoned Baltic sprats 21450
AB722972 19.02.03 AS Raitar iced Baltic sprats 52000
AB722611 20.02.03 AS Kajax Fishexport seasoned Baltic sprats 19500
AB722612 21.02.03 AS Kajax Fishexport seasoned Baltic sprats 20500
AB722620 21.02.03 AS Kajax Fishexport seasoned Baltic sprats 20500
AB722614 21.02.03 AS Kajax Fishexport seasoned Baltic sprats 56440
AB722610 21.02.03 AS Kajax Fishexport seasoned Baltic sprats 20500
AB719014 21.02.03 Maseko LTD smoked herring in oil,
herring in tomato
sauce, herring in tom.
sauce with sour
cabbage, herring in
tomato sauce with
onion, herring in own
juice with oil added
AB719013 21.02.03 Maseko LTD fried sardines in tomato
sauce, Atlantic
sardines in oil/slices/,
peitus sparlings in tomato
sauce, smoked sprats
in oil, sardinella in
tomato sauce blanched,
sprats in tomato sauce,
smoked sprats in oil,
sardinella in t/sauce
with sour cabbage,
sardinella in tomato
sauce with onion,
smoked sprats paste
AB719012 21.02.03 Maseko LTD smoked sprats paste,
smoked sprats in
oil, Atlantic sardines
in oil/slices/
AB719016 21.02.03 Maseko LTD smoked herring in oil,
herring in oil
blanched, smoked herring
in oil, herring
in tomato sauce blanched,
sardines in oil/slices/,
sardines in oil
blanched, Atlantic sardines
in oil/slices/, sardines
in own juice with
oil added, sardines in
tomato sauce blanched,
smoked sprats in oil,
sardinella in own
juice with oil
blanched, sardinella
in oil blanched,
sardinella in tomato
sauce blanched,
Baltic herring in oil
blanched, smoked
Baltic herring in oil,
Baltic herring in
oil blanched, fried
Baltic herring in tom
AB719017 21.02.03 Maseko LTD mackerel in oil blanched,
mackerel in own juice
with oil added,
mackerel in tomato
sauce blanched,
smoked sprats paste
AB661401 18.12.02 Morobell OU FROZEN SPRATS 21475
AB768225 17.02.03 Palonet Salted sprats in spices 60000
AB784815 17.02.03 Paljassaare kalatoostus Fish burgers 19959
AB760626 17.02.03 Maksiprof Salted sprats in spices 20000
AB789064 17.02.03 Gramus Spice salted baltic sprats 60000
AB789063 17.02.03 Gramus Spice salted baltic sprats 19900
AB763306 17.02.03 Gramus Spice salted baltic sprats 19900
AB755228 17.02.03 Krapesk Baltic spicy sprats 20200
AB788589 17.02.03 Makrill Crab sticks 19110
AB734780 18.02.03 Alcandra com Salte sprats 19600
AB789498 19.02.03 Nordline holding Frozen fish 19902
AB734802 19.02.03 Reperte Spice baltic sprats 56000
AB788590 19.02.03 Makrill Crab sticks 19476
AB734801 20.02.03 Reperte Spice salted sprats 20400
AB734799 20.02.03 Reperte Spice salted sprats 20400
AB755230 20.02.03 Krapesk Baltic spicy sprats 20000
AB734781 20.02.03 Alcandra com Preserv salt sprats 19600
AB759626 20.02.03 Aalang met Spicy salted baltic sprats 59000
AB759607 20.02.03 Koskel Frozen baltic sprats 60000
AB759608 20.02.03 Koskel Spicy salted baltic sprats 59000
AB760627 21.02.03 Maksiprof Frozen baltic sprats 19623
AB760629 21.02.03 Maksiprof Salted sprts in spices 60000
AB759609 21.02.03 Koskel Frozen baltic sprats 20600
AB759610 21.02.03 Koskel Frozen baltic sprats 60000
AB789065 21.02.03 Gramus Spicy salted baltic sprats 60000
AB768136 21.02.03 Esmari laevad Salted spice sprats 20100
AB788592 21.02.03 Makrill Crab sticks 18720
AB768137 21.02.03 Esmari laevad Frozen sprats 20150
AB789256 21.02.03 Irbeni Spicy baltic sprats 56000
AB789255 21.02.03 Krapesk Baltic spice sprats 20000
AB661408 17.02.03 Palonet OU SALTED SPRATS IN SPICES 20000
AB661407 17.02.03 Palonet OU FROZEN SPRATS 20000
AB661409 21.02.03 Palonet OU SALTED SPRATS IN SPICES 20000
AB661410 21.02.03 Palonet OU SALTED SPRATS IN SPICES 20000
AB661740 21.02.03 HAKO LTD ALPHA
AB661411 26.02.03 Palonet OU SALTED SPRATS IN SPICES 20500

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