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  3. Лист

25.02.2003 N 11/6-14-2783-ЕП
Начальникам регіональних
Начальникам митниць
( Лист втратив чинність на підставі Листа Державної митної служби N 11/3-14/8521-ЕП від 15.07.2005 )
Відповідно до листа Держмитслужби від 28.02.2000 N 21/3-638-ЕП направляємо перелік сертифікатів переміщення EUR.1, які видавалися естонськими митними органами на рибопродукцію за період з 27 по 31 січня 2003.
AB 652411 27.01.2003 frozen sprat 19900
AB 652413 27.01.2003 spice sprat 19800
AB 652093 28.01.2003 canned fish 67040
AB 652095 28.01.2003 canned fish 67478
AB 652416 28.01.2003 spice sprat 20600
AB 652417 28.01.2003 frozen sprat 19900
AB 652238 29.01.2003 salted baltic sprats 20200
AB 652239 29.01.2003 salted baltic sprats 20000
AB 652421 30.01.2003 spice sprat 19800
AB 652242 30.01.2003 salted baltic sprats 20000
AB 652240 30.01.2003 salted baltic sprats 20000
AB 652422 31.01.2003 spice sprat 19800
AB 652246 31.01.2003 salted baltic sprats 20000
AB 652245 31.01.2003 salted baltic sprats 20000
AB 652244 31.01.2003 frozen baltic sprats 20000
AB 652423 31.01.2003 spice sprat 19800
AB 719003 30.01.2003 Maseko LTD Atlantic sardines in oil /slices/ 67650
Atlantic sardines in oil blanched
Atlantic sardines in tomato sauce
Atl. herring in oil blanched
smoked herring in oil
Atl. mackerel in oil blanched
smoked Baltic herring in oil
smoked sprats in oil
AB 719004 31.01.2003 Maseko LTD smoked sprats in oil 46268
sardinella in own juice with oil
sardinella in oil blanched
sardinella in tomato sauce
Baltic herring in oil blanched
smoked Baltic herring in oil
smoked sprats in oil
mackerel in oil blanched
mackerel in own juice with oil
mackerel in tomato sauce blanched
smoked sprats paste
AB 719005 31.01.2003 Maseko LTD smoked herring in oil 18505
herring in own juice with oil
herring in oil blanched
herring in tomato sauce blanched
Atlantic sardines in oil /slices/
sardines in oil blanched
sardines in own juice with oil
sardines in tomato sauce blanched
AB 719818 27.01.2003 AS Raitar salted Baltic sprats 56000
AB 720526 27.01.2003 AS Kajax
seasoned Baltic sprats 20800
AB 720527 27.01.2003 AS Kajax
seasoned Baltic sprats 19500
AB 720485 29.01.2003 AS Kajax
frozen Baltic sprats 20500
AB 720525 29.01.2003 AS Kajax
seasoned Baltic sprats 56440
AB 720524 30.01.2003 AS Kajax
seasoned Baltic sprats 20800
AB 720486 31.01.2003 AS Kajax
seasoned Baltic sprats 56440
AB 720489 31.01.2003 AS Kajax
seasoned Baltic sprats 20800
AB 720488 31.01.2003 AS Kajax
seasoned Baltic sprats 19500
AB 720487 31.01.2003 AS Kajax
seasoned Baltic sprats 20700
AB 720484 31.01.2003 AS Kajax
seasoned Baltic sprats 20800
AB 713163 27.01.2003 AS DAGOTAR frozen fish 60000
AB 661097 31.01.2003 HAKO LTD SMOKED SPRATS IN OIL 63140
AB 661404 28.01.2003 FROZEN SPRATS 20000
AB 678347 27.01.2003 Nordline holding Salted sprats 20020
AB 766754 27.01.2003 Maseko Smoked sprats in oil 65700
AB 768218 27.01.2003 Palonet Salted sprats in spices 20000
AB 755213 27.01.2003 Krapesk Baltic spicy sprats 20600
AB 734796 27.01.2003 Reperte Spice salted sprats 56000
AB 734832 27.01.2003 Reperte Spice salted sprats 20400
AB 755801 27.01.2003 Crab sticks 20378
AB 763299 27.01.2003 Gramus Spicy salted baltic sprats 60000
AB 763300 28.01.2003 Gramus Spicy salted baltic sprats 20600
AB 734776 28.01.2003 Alcandra com Preserv salt sprats 19600
AB 755214 28.01.2003 Irbeni Spicy baltic sprats 56000
AB 760746 29.01.2003 Makrill Crab sticks 18720
AB 760747 29.01.2003 Makrill Crab sticks 19000
AB 766756 29.01.2003 Maseko Smoked sprats in oil 65700
AB 768220 29.01.2003 Palonet Salted sprats in spices 20000
AB 784783 29.01.2003 Crab sticks 19835
AB 768219 29.01.2003 Palonet Salted sprats in spices 60000
AB 784784 29.01.2003 Crab sticks 19536
AB 784787 30.01.2003 Crab sticks 19997
AB 763301 30.01.2003 Gramus Spicy salted baltic sprats 56000
AB 768221 30.01.2003 Palonet Salted sprats in spices 20500
AB 760624 31.01.2003 Maksiprof Salted sprats in spices 60000
AB 734797 31.01.2003 Reperte Spice salted sprats 56000
AB 755215 31.01.2003 Irbeni Spicy baltic sprats 56000
AB 784791 31.01.2003 Crab sticks 19536
AB 784789 31.01.2003 Crab sticks 20108
AB 734777 31.01.2003 Alcandra com Preserv salt sprats 19600
Заступник Голови Служби Ю.М.Дьомін
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